To do this we need to create research jobs so that researchers can come up with ideas. Scientists have to study alternative energy sources. Clean energy, or green energy, will come and bring jobs that replace the jobs of the petroleum and the coal industry. Employment opportunities will be enormous. Green energy will eventually become cheaper than the fuel based energy we use now. Solar energy is just one form of green energy and we already have some buildings that operate completely on solar panels. Researchers, scientists, and engineers have to stick their heads together and figure a few things out to fix the problem. Employment agencies can assist in finding the right professionals who are eligible for an energy career.
Many different jobs will be created in this newer field. Almost all job titles will be represented. Computer jobs will be in higher demand when society finally takes action and solves the energy problem. Designer jobs will need to be filled because our houses need to be converted to new ideas. Civil engineering jobs will be created all over the country. Automotive jobs will get a new face. The list of jobs that will be created is endless and it will also give us the opportunity to feel free from the bondage that the Middle East puts on us now. It has been mentioned many times that wars are being fought because of oil. Although we have considerable amounts of oil beneath our surface we are hesitant to bring it up.
Our reasoning is environmentally right. We do not want to damage our nature more than is needed. With renewable energy we will no longer feel the need to give in to the pressure of those who do not care about the environment. Solar energy and wind energy are part of our future. Those who can come up with solutions that are feasible will earn a lot of money. Researchers are working on it in behalf of the companies they work for. Freelance researchers are working on it in their own behalf. Right now we are still in a state of denial, or at least many of us are. We want to keep things the way they are and prefer not to think about the consequences for the future. This attitude causes major delay and it is about time that we get over it and pursue a different road.